Lessons from Mumbai's autorickshaw drivers
Mumbai dabbawallahs have already been much talked about and made famous by Prince Charles. Well, there is another breed too, equally professional and profusely skilled but not talked-about - Mumbai's autorickshaw drivers - a truly amazing and fascinating species in this diverse and chaotic human-zoo. Frankly, I am so impressed by them that I wanted to make a documentary film on them once. Right. It was one of the thousands of things I had planned on doing but never got on to. Anyway, coming back to them, it is quite intriguing to me as to how these people maintain their cool despite what they go through. They can probably give lessons in anger management and workplace competition. Think they got no option but to get used to it.
All of us in Mumbai know that city has a great spirit and all, but at the same time, it has an equally tortured body. I guess there's something about that too. For some reason, good spirits tend to prefer tortured bodies and vice-versa. The combination almost always is a disaster, though. Anyway, given the traffic situation here, which is like one of those diagrams, I saw in my Physics class in the school of sub-atomic particles moving about in all conceivable directions in an excited atom, the adroitness of these drivers display in reaching their goals is lesson for any top management executive. They are not only inventive in finding new traffic-navigating strategies and creating their own roads but also risk-taking in breaking all possible traffic rules. And have you noticed their ingenious move of never committing to a particular lane fully and driving in between two, always? Honestly, I believe that they have adapted really nicely to the city. I mean seriously, there is no other way out.
Sometimes, I think how much of this is also true in real life. Life is as chaotic, ruthless and unpredictable as Mumbai traffic. The best way to drive is to probably keep one's cool and do whatever one feels right at the moment. One can beat the traffic or get stuck and crib about it. It's all about being flexible and adaptive. The autorickshaw wallahs here know that!
All of us in Mumbai know that city has a great spirit and all, but at the same time, it has an equally tortured body. I guess there's something about that too. For some reason, good spirits tend to prefer tortured bodies and vice-versa. The combination almost always is a disaster, though. Anyway, given the traffic situation here, which is like one of those diagrams, I saw in my Physics class in the school of sub-atomic particles moving about in all conceivable directions in an excited atom, the adroitness of these drivers display in reaching their goals is lesson for any top management executive. They are not only inventive in finding new traffic-navigating strategies and creating their own roads but also risk-taking in breaking all possible traffic rules. And have you noticed their ingenious move of never committing to a particular lane fully and driving in between two, always? Honestly, I believe that they have adapted really nicely to the city. I mean seriously, there is no other way out.
Sometimes, I think how much of this is also true in real life. Life is as chaotic, ruthless and unpredictable as Mumbai traffic. The best way to drive is to probably keep one's cool and do whatever one feels right at the moment. One can beat the traffic or get stuck and crib about it. It's all about being flexible and adaptive. The autorickshaw wallahs here know that!